• Reading time:15 mins read

Internet advertising have become widespread, replacing traditional forms and entering new niches. They appear during short videos, messaging, and on social media pages. While online advertising offers targeted reach and real-time analytics, its drawbacks include ad fatigue, privacy concerns, and the risk of ad-blocking. Advertisers must balance creativity with user experience to maximize effectiveness. Now, let’s discuss various forms of online advertising and their advantages and disadvantages.

Types of online advertising:

  1. Search engine optimization (SEO)
  2. Contextual advertising, which appears only when a person enters interesting queries into the browser
  3. Banners that appear when opening websites
  4. Social networks where groups are created based on interests, offering pop-up offers and advertisements
  5. Teaser advertising displayed on website pages, presented as unfinished phrases, questions, bright statements, or moving objects
  6. Viral advertising resembling word-of-mouth communication, transmitting messages, interesting offers, reviews, etc.

Advantages and Disadvantages of SEO

Optimizing a website is necessary, but there are peculiarities that you need to be aware of so that you don’t get too disappointed. Businessmen sometimes have too high expectations on SEO or do not trust this tool.

Advantages of SEO

  1. Profitability. SEO traffic is interested users who were looking for a specific service or product and came to the site from a search. We can say that these are “warm” customers who are ready to buy/order/order a request. That is, by increasing the visibility of the site in search, SEO increases the revenue of the site.
  2. Long-term effect. The effect of the work is maintained for a long time. The fact that for specific queries the site took high positions in the output, means that the page is liked by search robots and will rank well until the search engine algorithms change.
  3. Customer Trust. Users may be distrustful of the ad in the advertisement, favoring a site at the top of the search engine.
  4. Improving the usability of the site. After implementing recommendations from the specialist, the site becomes more convenient. The service leaves a pleasant impression, encourages to return again, to recommend the site to friends and acquaintances.

Disadvantages of SEO

  1. Long lead times and results. SEO is a long game, you should not expect quick results.
  2. No clear guarantees. No specialist will give you 100% guarantees that you will occupy positions in the top constantly, because there is a third party – search engines. They can change their requirements at any time, which will negatively affect even high-quality sites.
  3. Making improvements to the functionality of the site. Requires a really large number of refinements on the site and their timely implementation to achieve their goals.
  4. The top has shifted lower and there are fewer organics in it. There is a tendency for witchdoctors and information blocks to be placed in high positions on high-frequency queries in the search engine. Then come sites-aggregators, which search engines give greater preference. Often there are 3-4 places left under the organics on the 4 screen of the desktop. Therefore, you need to take this into account when setting goals for SEO: the struggle for HF queries in some niches will not be for the first place in the output, but for the fifth or eighth.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Contextual Advertising

Contextual advertising often helps attract the attention of the target audience because it is displayed only when the user is actively seeking information about a product, services, or wants to learn more about their cost or functional features. For example, a person planning to install plastic windows may come across a series of articles on this topic. Opening one of the articles, the person sees a link to a website that installs windows. It is quite likely that this information will be useful, and the window installation company may gain a new customer. However, contextual advertising should be used wisely, avoiding overloading articles and refraining from using repeated key phrases that may only cause irritation and a desire to close the text.

Advantages of Contextual Advertising:

  1. Speed of obtaining results. High-quality content that is useful to users generates significant interest, making contextual advertising in demand. This is a key advantage over search engine optimization, which usually takes much more time.
  2. Ability to display ads ahead of competitors. This is achieved by assigning a higher cost per click.
  3. Advertisers can independently determine the position at which their ad will be displayed.
  4. Configuration of specific parameters (targeting) ensures targeted displays, focusing on more beneficial clients for you.

Disadvantages of contextual advertising

  1. Sufficiently high cost of the most profitable positions.
  2. When compared to search engine promotion sites, contextual advertising costs about 2-3 times more expensive, if you choose the best placement positions;
  3. Insufficient attention of users. Many readers simply do not pay attention to the links leading to the advertiser’s site, having received the necessary information, they close the page without going to the site promoting their products;
  4. Negative attitude to advertising on the Internet. Many users on principle do not click on links.

Pros and cons of banner advertising

Banners, which attract the attention of Internet users, are quite expressive and popular type of online advertising. There are more advantages in showing banners because they are beautiful in themselves, are a way to decorate your site.

Advantages of banner advertising:

  1. Simultaneous fulfillment of two functions: decoration of the site and an opportunity to sell the product;
  2. Covering only the target audience, because the banner is clicked by those who are interested in the product;
  3. Influence on the image of the company;
  4. Formation of a visual representation of the advertised product;
  5. Ability to make adjustments in the course of the advertising campaign;
  6. You can record the number and frequency of impressions;
  7. Accurate statistics will show the number of interested in your product, will allow you to plan the next promotional activities.

Disadvantages of banner advertising

  1. Decrease in the inflow of visitors after canceling the banner display or the end of the advertising campaign;
  2. The need to improve or redesign the banner each time;
  3. Regular users of the site get used to the display and do not pay attention to banners.

Advertising in social networks

The possibility of creating groups in social networks is not a bad opportunity to attract a target audience. But here, too, there are pitfalls.

Advantages of social media advertising

  1. Uniting people with common interests;
  2. The opportunity to periodically talk about the functional features of the product, its benefits and advantages;
  3. Discussion of planned and past events dedicated to the demonstration of the product, forms a cohesive group;
  4. Unobtrusiveness and softness in the presentation of information;
  5. Ability to add photos and videos demonstrating quality and unique features;
  6. Availability of regular loyal customers;
  7. Consistency of updates;
  8. Demonstration of the stability of the organization;
  9. Cheapness.

Disadvantages of advertising in social networks

  1. The need for constant monitoring, adding materials;
  2. The presence of negative statements, disputes between users;
  3. Time and effort spent on moderation, removal of negative posts, reviews that discredit the work of the company.

Features of teaser advertising

Teaser advertising is based on inciting interest in the product with the help of interesting questions, phrases, incomplete sentences, pictures or video plots that generate interest in continuing or desire to get an answer to the questions posed. Sometimes teaser ads do not demonstrate the product itself, but show only the company logo, or ask a question, which after some time is answered. Most often, before the release of the product, there is an advertising campaign, which seems to prepare users for something special. A little later, the product is named or the way in which it can be purchased is indicated.

Teasers are created in two stages:

  1. An issue is released that maintains consumer interest
  2. A video is released that answers the question.

Advantages of teaser advertising

  1. Brevity;
  2. Awakening interest in the product or service;
  3. Ability to maintain intrigue throughout the promotion of goods;
  4. Originality of information presentation.

An example of a good teaser advertising can be a representation of a company that produces shaving cream. The advertisement was released back in 1925 in America. Billboards were installed along the highway of the state of Minnesota. Each of them was located a hundred meters from each other and contained only one word. When driving at speed, drivers and passengers would see a complete phrase that looked like this: Girls beg for men to have cheeks without stubble. The last billboard featured the name of Burma Shave shaving cream.

Disadvantages of teaser ads

  1. The most common mistake is the lack of a clear connection between the initial question and the subsequent answer. Consumers associate the first part with another product or find no connection at all;
  2. Low level of information presentation. It is necessary to remember that it is very difficult to interest the public, to create intrigue;
  3. Often teasers resemble the symbolism or slogan of another product, so the public remains indifferent to the advertised product.
  4. For example, a company advertised a Dodge car by releasing a teaser with the word “Different” written in red and white. The advertisers planned to later release another commercial with the mention of the advertised car. But, the campaign completely failed for the reason that just a year before, Apple released a very similar video, which was written “Think Different” in the same letters on the same background. These teasers became an unspeakably expensive gift for the producers of “apple” products, because all users decided that it was their video.

Viral advertising

The way to transmit advertising is based on the constant desire of people to share interesting and necessary information. Therefore, having seen something new, truly original and unusual, people themselves seek to spread the news, share with friends, acquaintances, employees.

Advantages of viral advertising

  1. On the distribution of advertising can not be spent, allowing users to do it themselves;
  2. Coverage of the target audience, which receives information from their close and familiar people;
  3. Trust in this type of information;
  4. Spread exponentially.

Disadvantages of viral advertising

  1. Excessive intensity, because this method of distribution can repeat the same messages repeatedly;
  2. Misinterpretation of the advertising proposal leads to misunderstandings;
  3. Intrusive users can drive consumers away;
  4. The presence of negative product reviews and dissatisfied customers harms the company’s image.

Other types of online advertising, such as, for example, sending messages to e-mail, SPAM, an abundance of keywords and phrases that distort the meaning of the articles, can lead to the opposite effect, alienate consumers from the desire to deal with the advertised products. But if skillfully combine all types of Internet advertising, take care of unobtrusiveness and meet the need of users to get really necessary information, the effectiveness of the advertising campaign will be very high.

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Online advertising

We will individually select effective online advertising channels to promote your website, brand, company, or store.

We utilize various online advertising channels, including Product Advertising, Contextual Advertising, Video Advertising, Display Advertising, Mobile Advertising, Blogger Advertising, Audio Advertising, Social Media, and Video Ads.

We will create, set up, and manage your campaign.


Ads with a link to your site on the first pages of search engines. Payment for transitions. Suitable for almost everyone who has formed a demand for goods or services and need sales.


Suitable for online shops and other resources that have the opportunity to place an order from the site and need to expand their reach and increase sales – a working and effective tool for selling goods. The channel with the lowest cost of attracting customers.


Conversion optimization is a process that improves your websites ability to convert more internet traffic into new customers. Carefully considered tweaks and changes can have a significant impact on conversion rates.


With this online advertising your company will show up in the map block in Google search results and at the top positions in Google Maps.


We will set up media advertising with targeting accuracy up to 100%. Wide coverage and high brand awareness are guaranteed.Ideal for increasing sales, attracting attention to the brand, launching a new product on the market.

We advertise your business online with Pay Per Click marketing, ensuring your ads are displayed in the right places, at the right time and in front of the right people to effectively increase brand awareness and generate leads. We usually use Google ADS, Facebook ads and Instagram ads. 



Draw the audience’s attention to your business on the Internet with the help of video advertising. Our specialists will creatively create and effectively set up video adverts for your target audience in different formats, on the right platforms.


As practice shows, more than half of the campaigns we analyse are incorrectly configured or outdated.We will conduct an express audit of your advertising campaign and give recommendations for improvement. Access to advertising systems (login/password) will be required for the audit.

Get a basic analysis of online advertising ROAS

    How are websites advertising in 2023?

    Search engines have changed their algorithms! Classic promotion does not work anymore. It is impossible to promote the site, only by purchasing links or simply optimising texts. Moreover, beginners are in a hurry and make mistakes, and the site can get into the ban for a long time.And search engines every month change algorithms. Their goal is to show the most useful and convenient sites. 

    What is important for search engines in 2023:

    Internet advertising

    – is a set of tools that companies use to promote a brand and increase sales. Online advertising is the most favorable tool for developing your business on the Internet. Its advantages are enormous: at low prices, online advertising provides a wide audience coverage, and its effect can be seen almost immediately. Without a doubt, online advertising is a fast, flexible and measurable way of delivering promotional messages to people all over the world. The current trend is that millennials and younger generations are used to communicating virtually, and your competitors know it.

    There are so many formats and tools, it’s easy to get confused. Each channel has specific tasks and to build the right strategy to increase sales, it’s common to use multiple channels and prepare an overall media mix, with each channel reinforcing and supporting the previous one.

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