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In this article, we’ll delve into key aspects of SEO promotion for a new website in 2024, discussing the importance of planning site structure, effective keyword research, user-centric content creation, and more. Whether you’re an experienced SEO specialist looking to update your knowledge or a novice entering the world of SEO, this article is beneficial. It provides valuable tips to enhance your SEO efforts in 2024. Two main factors shape the dynamics of promoting a young site:

  1. Challenging competition with leading sites in search results, considering that older sites are typically promoted faster and easier.
  2. Opportunities to avoid many errors by initially doing things right.

Despite the workload being similar to other sites, the goal is voluminous tasks with swift execution.

Age Factor

The age of a site almost always influences its promotion. A newly created page and an old site with zero optimization differ in promotion strategies. A long-standing page has an advantage due to its age, resulting in quicker and more effective promotion.

Website Structure Planning

Creating a structure for a new site from the start is a significant advantage to prevent common errors. While competitor structures can be used, they should be tailored to meet specific objectives and accommodate unique features. Structuring can be outlined as a list of pages in a table and a flowchart in a mind map format.

Tip: We usually use Xmind.

Website Structure Planning

In the table, addresses of future pages need to be reflected, and this is automatically done using functions.

This structure allows for pre-planning the layout and optimizing it with the necessary interlinking blocks.

Semantic Core Collection

Collecting queries for a SEO promotion of a new website is a challenging yet effective task. It forms the basis for mapping out pages, crucial for effective promotion. For sites with numerous nested subsections, it’s possible that not all semantics will be gathered in a single iteration; there might be multiple iterations.

Special attention should be paid to grouping keywords based on parameters:

  1. Commercial/Informational queries: Queries may be incompatible with different intents.
  2. Compatibility of queries on the first page: For example, queries like “kitchen cabinets” and “cabinet for the kitchen” may not always be suitable for promotion on the same page, while queries like “accounting firm” and “outsourcing accounting” can be combined on one page.
  3. Presence of specific types of pages in the search results: Different queries may result in specific types of pages in the search results. Therefore, the presence of well-optimized filter pages with Search Engine Friendly URLs will be less critical.

The collected semantics should be promptly uploaded to monitoring services with any available grouping (segments, groups, tags, categories). It’s also worth adding the main competitors’ queries to the monitoring and tracking the dynamics of their visibility. This will provide an understanding of the overall direction of site promotion.

Keyword Clustering

After gathering keywords and phrases, it’s crucial to cluster them. Sorting related keywords allows for a more efficient organization of content on the website. Some subtle nuances may arise, requiring individual solutions.

Content Optimization

In this context, content encompasses not only textual page descriptions (with keywords, reminiscent of SEO practices from the 2000s that caused reader dissatisfaction) but also presenting products in an SEO-friendly format. It’s essential to maintain linguistic correctness, as there are cases where positions start improving after fixing errors. Additionally, errors in texts can deter users.

In most cases, implementing microdata is recommended. It can enhance the site’s scanning by search engines and increase the likelihood of appearing in an extended snippet.

Integration of Other Traffic Channels

Typically, advertising on a new site is initiated to gather data on search queries. After accumulating at least minimal traffic volumes (especially on newly created pages), the results will improve. For service-oriented websites with moderate to high competition, connecting other traffic channels may be an ongoing practice. Simultaneously, when dealing with e-commerce catalogs, advertising can eventually be disabled in favor of organic promotion.

For commercial websites, advertising is particularly crucial as it directly impacts the number of sales. Regarding SEO, as a channel for long-term promotion, it will be strengthened in the initial stages due to a higher volume of clicks through advertising channels.

Technical Optimization of a Young Site

Standard technical optimization tasks are relevant for new websites as well. Set up all robots.txt files, transition to the HTTPS protocol, add the site to webmaster services, perform a full code validation, and optimize the site’s loading speed to the maximum. As more pages are developed using JavaScript, it’s important to check the correct rendering of the site’s code.

URL Format

Any Search Engine Friendly URLs can be created, and SEO specialists should take advantage of this. For instance, design URLs with consistent separators like “-“, with the necessary hierarchy, and prefixes such as /catalog/, /product/, /articles/, /news/. This is essential for understanding the type of specific pages.

Commercial Factors

To build trust in the site, display all commercial data necessary for users on the page, from prices and special offers to phone numbers and team photos. These are powerful influencing factors, including for search engines.

Mistakes in SEO Promotion of a New Website

The following errors are most commonly encountered:

  • Insufficient development of commercial factors.
  • Serious technical deficiencies (e.g., basic SEO adjustments not made).
  • Incomplete coverage of the site structure (if some pages are not created, the results are weak).
  • Incorrect breakdown of queries across pages.
  • Poor site appearance that repels users.
  • Excessive launch time.


Despite not all queries from new sites ranking well, impressive results can still be achieved with the promotion of a young page. The key is to organize the foundation in advance: create a significant portion of pages on the site, meticulously plan the structure and commercial factors. Then, await ranking.

P.S.: Our team is always ready to assist you with SEO promotion of a New Website.

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