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Each country dictates its own peculiarities for promotion. For instance, in Finland, it is essential to consider the climatic factor. The demand for goods and services in the south and north of the country differs, as well as the search queries of users.

Finland flag

In this country, 90% of the population uses the internet in their daily lives, with over 60% preferring to go online using mobile devices. The highest number of users falls within the age categories of 16 to 24 years (41%) and 25 to 34 years (29%). Common interests include making purchases (48%), internet banking (28%), and tourism services (24%).

Finland has a relatively small market with a population of only 5.5 million people. To penetrate European markets through this northern neighbor, earning the label of “Finnish quality” is crucial. Companies in the fields of IT, construction, trade, biotechnology, and logistics find it easier to enter the market.

To gain brand recognition and confidently represent a company in the Finnish market, it’s essential to build diverse advertising campaigns both online and offline. Emphasizing social media, media resources, targeted advertising, and brand development online is crucial. Various channels allow for scaling advertising campaigns by analyzing and selecting the most effective ones that resonate with the target audience.

The main characteristic of promoting goods and services in Finland

The main characteristic of promoting goods and services in Finland is simplicity. Finns prefer sincerity and clarity over imaginative creatives, and discussing physiological details is not considered taboo. Quality and clear advertising propositions are highly valued.

While there is no specific advertising law in Finland, advertising activities are regulated by dozens of decrees. Generally, restrictions relate to tobacco, alcohol, and impacts on children.

Promoting goods and services in Finland through bloggers has its own nuance: there is a legislative requirement for a mandatory disclaimer stating that the content is advertising. This measure aims to combat native advertising. The average cost for a blogger post ranges from 200 to 400 euros.

Google is the primary search engine, holding a 96% share, while Finnish search engine Fonekta occupy the remaining 4%, offering unique features.

For successful promotion in Finland, it is necessary to:

  1. Obtain a domain in the .FI zone.
  2. Thoroughly work on semantics, considering the three official languages: Finnish, Swedish, and regional Saami, spoken by only 1.5% of the population.
  3. Analyze competitors’ websites, recognizing the significance of city information resources, and find a niche to build communication and cultivate a target audience.
  4. Engage in SEO optimization, making the website simple, convenient, and aesthetically pleasing to appeal to the Finnish audience.
  5. Seek links, with link building being highly effective in Finland, especially crowd marketing. Link building should prioritize links from Finnish domains, forums, directories, and capitalize on any opportunities for infopods.
  6. Utilize scientific content, Finns pay close attention to scientific opinions, making content presented in a scientific format more appealing and trustworthy to users.
  7. Work with Google Ads, understanding that contextual advertising can consume significant portions of the budget, while leads obtained through SEO optimization are more cost-effective.
  8. Leverage social media, where every third Finn aged 18 and above is present.

A comprehensive approach is essential for successful promotion. If there is no prior experience in promoting a website in Europe, it is advisable to entrust the task to professionals capable of quickly finding optimal advertising channels and facilitating business expansion in Finland.

Don’t forget to read our article about the website ranking drop.

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